Ceiling Painting In KL & Selangor
It is recommended that the ceiling colour of your home should not be darker than the floor, especially if the ceiling is not too high, it is better to use a lighter colours. It is best to use light colours as the end result of light colour ceiling will give the impression of a high ceiling. The best choice is to add a lot of white (white, light blue), gray or nearly white color. Considering space and atmosphere, most designers recommend using pure white as the safest, but if you want to create an atmosphere, such as wanting to make your home dining area to look mysterious or feel of hidden then you can use dark colors, such as Dark purple or pure black color.
Nevertheless, ceiling painting is one of area you cannot missed during your home renovation. So if you want to have hassle free experience, please contact us and we can come to your house to do free site survey and free quotation with no obligation.
Type of Residential Painting Services
From Our Happy Customer
“I just bought my second hand double storey link house in Puchong and wanted to repaint my house. My friend recommended Wits Painting Services pro. I’m very satisfy with their service and workmanship. They even do the cleanup after job is done on the day. Good job!”, Gina Wong
Painting Service Packages
Condominium / Apartment
Interior Painting- Build-up size 1000 sqft or below
- Wall only (all white)
- With labour and tools
- With economy paint (ICI Maxilite or Nippon Matex)
Double Storey Intermediate
Interior Painting- Build-up size 2000 sqft or below
- Wall only
- With labour and tools
- With economy paint (ICI Maxilite or Nippon Matex)
Double Storey Intermediate
Exterior Painting- Build-up size 2000 sqft or below
- Wall only
- With labour and tools
- With weather resistant paint (KCC Weatherforce)
Our Coverage Area
We cover most area in Klang Valley. Get In Touch For a Free Consultation
Kuala Lumpur
Petaling Jaya
Puchong/Seri Kembangan
Subang Jaya/Putra height
Shah Alam
NOTE: can't find your area? call us at 6011-6328-1268 to find out more coverage area
Frequently Ask Questions
Do you provide touch up painting services?
how long do you take to paint my residential double storey link house?
Get In Touch
Block A-7-6, Megan Avenue 1, 189 Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur.